أقسام الموقع

التحليل الفني للاسوق

ahmed goma 2008-08-12

Timing with Trend Lines and Fibs

Another trading tip with trend lines and Fibonacci retracements to give you a time reference for whe...

ahmed goma 2008-08-12

How to Trade the MACD Indicator Like a Pro Part 1

http://www.informedtrades.com/ A lesson on how to trade the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (M...

ahmed goma 2008-08-12

MACD Types

learn the simple various types of MACD indicator in determine divergence in making money on forex tr...

ahmed goma 2008-08-12

Trading with the MACD

This lesson focuses on the essentials of how to use the MACD in your trading....

ahmed goma 2008-08-12

Technical Analysis Indicator MACD part one

most technical analysis indicators are lagging. Let me show you how to use MACD properly and its L...

ahmed goma 2008-08-12

Technical Analysis Indicator MACD part two

part two of the three part series on MACD...

ahmed goma 2008-08-12

Technical Analysis Indicator MACD part three

the final wrap up in the three part series on MACD...

ahmed goma 2008-08-12

Bollinger Bands

A forex tutorial about bollinger bands...

ahmed goma 2008-08-12

The MACD and FOREX Price Patterns

http://www.myfuturesblog.comMACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence). What can you do with it? T...

ahmed goma 2008-08-12

Technical Analysis - MACD Divergence

The correct way to identify a Divergence and correctly draw divergence trendlines....


The Best Financial Education Provider in Saudi Arabia 2014

أفضل مزود للتدريب المالى بالمملكة العربية السعودية 2014

The Best Financial Training Provider in Saudi Arabia 2015

أفضل معهد تدريب مالى بالمملكة 2015

The Best Customer Services for Training in Saudi Arabia 2016

أفضل خدمة عملاء فى الخدمات التدريبة بالمملكة 2016

The Best Finance Training Provider in Saudi Arabia 2017

أفضل شركة تدريب فى مجال الأعمال بالمملكة 2017

Excellence Award for Financial Training in the ME and GCC 2018

جائزة التميز فى خدمات التدريب المالى فى الشرق الأوسط والخليج 2018