

حاصل على شهادة CFTE الدولية كمحلل فني معتمد من الإتحاد الفني للمحللين الفنيين البريطانية خبير موجات والتحليل الكلاسيكي حاصل على (CEWA) محلل موجات إليوت معتمد Certified Elliott Wave Analyst

تاريخ الأضافة-0001-11-30


عدد المشاهدات 83

Intro to Android Application Development: Binding to Java
أضف الي المفضلة

This is a sample video from, Intro to Android Application Development LiveLessons (Video Training), by Dan Galpin. The product will be available in Nov 2010. Here is a link to the product and sample video at Safari Books Online: http://my.safaribooksonline.com/9780321685926Overview: Mobile application developer Dan Galpin takes you through a streamlined, fast-paced introduction into developing applications for the latest Android platform. Developers will learn how to create a series of simple, functional, Android applications that take advantage of features unique to the Android platform. It details aspects of handling application resources, creating Android user interfaces, networking, and important concepts such as application lifecycle, interoperation, and multithreading. The target audience for the video is developers familiar with the Java programming language, but who may not have previous experience with mobile development. This is a Sneak Peek preview version of the Intro to Android Application Development Video.

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